Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Homemade Plant Water System

Blessed Diego José de Cádiz

considered the great apostle of the Divine Shepherdess, continued with great zeal the work of Fray Isidoro de Sevilla, leading the devotion to the Mother of the Good Shepherd to the most remote locations if Fray Isidoro was initiator of devotion pastoreña, Fray Diego was the one that got the Pope Pius VI in 1795 instituted the feast of the Mother of the Good Shepherd. Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo does the Blessed Diego José de Cádiz the most representative of the religious speech of Spain after St. Vincent Ferrer and St. John of Avila.

were his parents, Jose Lopez Caamaño Tegeiro Ulloa and Barceló, a native of Tuy and his mother Maria de Ocaña García-Pérez Rendón de Burgos, a native of Ubrique, both very illustrious family. Ubrique these men lived in and went to Cadiz to spend Holy Week and in order to find help for the next birth waiting in the medical luminaries of the City. Blessed

born in Cadiz on March 30, 1743. He was baptized in the chapel of the Shrine of the Holy Church Cathedral on April 3 with the names of José Francisco and Juan María García Pérez Caamaño. Once baptized Ubrique moved to where he grew up in the house No. 25, San Pedro Street (now bears his name.) The young Joseph lived a happy childhood in Ubrique until, before he turned nine, his mother died. Shortly after his father remarried with Ms. Rosa Garcia, whom he had two brothers of a father of Blessed Diego, Br and Br José Manuel Caamaño others were religious in the Convent of Santos Canos de Cañete la Real.

a child, very much inclined to piety, he entered the Capuchin Order at 14 years, taking the habit on November 12, 1757 at the Convent of Sevilla, changing the name, as is customary in the Order, by the Diego José de Cádiz. He was ordained priest on June 13, 1766 at age 23 in the Priory Church of Santa Maria in Carmona, the Bishop of Gadara, assistant Seville, Don Domingo Perez de Rivera.

The contrast between Cadiz, then in all its opulence, and Ubrique, with the charm of his solitude, his mind deeply impressed. Then start your stay in Ubrique, which lasted six years. With permission of the bishop was responsible for all liabilities that could: church, sacristy, choir, refectory and cloisters, having everything brand new so that the convent was a shrine.

When someone wanted help, he replied: "Allow me, Father, I am the last of the community, useless to work in relief. Even this will help and do not eat the bread of idleness as . " Studying seven hours a day, and placid hours of solitude, where nothing distracted him they were forming the apostle of his age. And preached in Cadiz being a deacon, in Jerez also the sermon of the Immaculate Conception in Ubrique it was dropping in preaching, in the Convent, in catechesis and in the streets, taking as a model to VP Ubrique Bonaventure, whose life sought and carefully read , intending to imitate.
Soon his eloquent words were accompanied by many miracles and wonders and miraculous source in the way of Ubrique to Gaucin, the multiplication of the loaves also Ubrique Convent, cures and many conversions. In the church of San Francisco de Arcos de la Frontera was seen preaching flames pouring from his mouth.

Such was the zeal for the glory of God and salvation of souls that can be said without exaggeration, that the fire of these two loves him go giving missions throughout Spain, walking, almost always on foot, cold and heat, wind and rain, with fasting and penance astounding, and so relentlessly day after day, year to year until age 58 when he died. Mission
repeatedly and in different years, Andalusia, Catalonia, Aragon, Valencia, Castile, Asturias, Galicia, Extremadura, León, preaching in every village to step, witnessed their zeal Málaga, Ronda, Estepona, Ubrique, Cadiz, Ceuta , Moron, Osuna, San Roque, Seville, Cordoba, Priego, Ecija, Velez, Guadix Baza, Puerto de Santa Maria, Jaén, Baena, Isla de León, Antequera, El Castillo, Carcabuey, Mirror, Arjonilla, Andújar Arjona, Ubeda, Baeza, La Carolina, Toledo, Ocaña, Aranjuez, Madrid, Alcala de Henares, Zaragoza , Cuenca, Alcaraz, Caspe, Montserrat, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bReus, Valencia, Alicante, Orihuela, Murcia, Cartagena, Totana, Lorca, Motril, Utrera, Casares, Moguer, Huelva, Marchena, Tuy, Bayona, Vigo, Santiago de Compostela, Ferrol , La Coruña, Lugo, Mondoñedo, Oviedo, Salamanca ... In all these populations appear that in many missions and were repeated several times.

Each mission preached several times in the day, intellectuals, officials, artisans, religious, etc., at the overall mission where such was the movement of people by the fire of love of God that was his word, his physical presence and repeated miracles in the face of all, came to the enthusiasm of the people, who often had to intervene the police to rescue them from the popular devotion of the people that sometimes even carried pieces of habit as relics.

Madrid mission to the King Carlos III, before the Prince of Asturias Carlos and Maria Luisa and the whole court, word encarnecida whipping with vice and sin with a view, only God who preached at the same time with such gentleness and love that drew sinners. Both
was fiery yet sweet love for God and sinners, which was immense spiritual fruit, numerous conversions.

preached everywhere Bishops, Clergy, Religious, Major, universities, town halls, workshops, academies, all appointed by one of its members y. among many accolades and honors, he never resented his humility, for it was founded on the belief that he had that God had chosen him as the vilest of all creatures because of the grace only came increasingly so as the instrument was Useless God chose to shine his greater glory, helping his humility with constant prayer, fasting and penance.

spent nights at the foot of the Blessed Sacrament, and the Divine Mother, his beloved pastor whose protection and began his mission standard. He introduced the cult of the Mother of Divine Shepherd in numerous places in Andalusia, Castile, Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia and so on. Always carried the banner of the Divina Pastora in their missions, everywhere preaching the glories of heaven Pastorate of Mary and became driver of recognition of the Church and the establishment by Pope Pius VI, on August 1, 1795, the feast of the Mother of the Good Shepherd which is held the day before dominica of the Good Shepherd, is the third Saturday of Easter. Evangelicals

These works, which God's glory, tirelessly performed, the prize the Lord with revelations, visions, and countless miracles obr ADOS many times from the pulpit at the sight of huge crowds, which resulted in many conversions and This reputation took Taumaturgo Ghost and the Church has recognized. Among the many apparitions of Our Lord had, two were with the Cross, first in Jerez on November 30, 1779. Exhausted physically and spiritually desolate by his humility believing it was his fault and his disability did not get everything your fervor longed in the conversion of souls, she begged the Lord relieved by the futility of this position with other religious most suitable that could give him more glory, the Lord appeared to him with the Cross with her mouth giving holy ground. Blessed running scared and full of compassion, says: " What is this, Lord? Why are you going to fall? - I not fall when you think of me holding me with my injury-redeemed and the lost sheep? " Confused, ashamed, filled with tears in his heart not faint in the Lord's service. On another occasion, Jaén, 1780, she returns to the Lord with his cross, Building on the head of the Blessed, with inexpressible comfort of his soul.

was his spiritual director, another holy soul, the Venerable Padre Fray Francisco Javier Gonzalez, Minimum Order gives San Francisco de Paula, who was due on their boards as God's ears.

was most devoted of Lord of Great Power of Seville, author of the exercise of his Ninth, he instituted the Friday visit to the Holy Image of the Lord, and preached a solemn function in 1786 being hailed as the brother of the corporation. It was also prominent devotee of Our Lady of Peace, the patron saint of Ronda, he too is involved of the ninth, and he made numerous gifts including a beautiful preserved mantle that took him from Zaragoza. Precisely at the feet of Our Lady of Peace his remains lie.

call at the time the "new St. Paul" had a role in the spiritual life of society at that time for its sanctification of the clergy, the religious, and many laymen. His prodigious correspondence, spiritual quality, is testimony to this. It was the great apostle of Spain. At a time raged Jansenism gift and made his word to the masses vibrate like no time and managed to be heard by all social classes. Proposed

for several bishoprics including Mondoñedo, Cadiz, etc., humbly gave them despite his resignation again urge the King to grant him another bishopric and Carlos III said, let the friar so we have a bishop in Spain. " Pampered by the Court never resented his immense humility. Their continuing work, travel fasting and penance were undermining his health, suffering from various diseases with heroic patience and natural wit.
In 1797 on account of public contempt against religion, in a sermon preached in Sevilla, foretold the rage, he crossed out of Reckless. Soon Sevilla was a huge hospital with 50,000 cholera attacked (1797).

superiors, looking frail as he was sent to Ronda was very dear to all the people, hoping that the air of the mountains will do well Meanwhile cholera raged in Andalusia and in an act of heroic charity offered to God as a victim to free round of infection, a city that so often mission. The Lord accepted his sacrifice and gave his holy soul to God in his beloved Round March 24 In 1801 at age 58 to receive the Sacraments building all its virtues, from cholera. In the house where he was staying still with their relics.

his body was exposed several days and such was the influx of the entire city of Ronda, neighboring villages and from all social classes troops had to intervene to prevent pedestrians from the crowds at the funeral and burial. Death of Blessed
resonated throughout Spain, in all the cathedrals were made funerals, in all the convents of his order, at the universities, Arsenals, Religions, Councils, etc., To the Official Gazette made the announcement extolling its virtues and apostolic life.

not diminished the fervor of the people after his death but rather, the continuaos miracles, cures and favors, forced to initiate the process of beatification asked by everyone. It process began in 1825 and was completed in 1858 presented in Rome. Soon
approved the sudden healing of pulmonary tuberculosis Adelaide Sister, Sister of Charity who remain and to die suddenly cured, making normal life after years of suffering. This scientifically approved miracle served with the sweat of blood from the bones for the Beatification of Blessed. In 1867 the order of the Sacred Congregation of Rites proceeded to officially recognize the body (1867) where he was amazed to bloodstained bones alive, out from inside of bones. New recognition (1869). Holiness Leo XIII ordered and were ordered duly authenticated and guarded the bones will take several to Rome for the review of the scientific commission of doctors, chemists, physicists, biologists, checking the incorruptibility of the bones and the emanation of the life-blood 60 years after death, The April 11, issued the decree for the beatification of the Servant of God Diego José de Cádiz. On day 22, before more than 50,000 people, including English prelates twenty-two as Sister Adelaide living witness and huge English pilgrimage from all social classes proceeded to the solemn beatification in St. Peter's Basilica by Pope Leo XII.

His remains, as intended, at the foot of the Patrona de Ronda, Our Lady of Peace, which he professed great devotion, in a rich silver casket. On the altar of the Blessed in the Capuchin Church of Seville are among the many relics handkerchiefs in the blood that flowed from the bones. The banner of the Divine Shepherdess she always carried in their missions is preserved as a relic at the Basilica del Gran Poder de Sevilla and numerous relics of Santo are scattered in different places, our Brotherhood has a bony fragment that coincided with the Blessed May Triduum is venerated by the faithful.

Hymn to the Blessed Diego José de Cádiz

burning passion of love, Diego Jose,
to squeeze between your hands to Jesus, where are the Crucifix
you away, where
pushes those your footsteps?

To be volcano, and an apostle melted
and holy Capuchin missions,
estarme and if I could, to hell and make
mission there, Christ lifted. Clear Theology

was light and was the Trinidad
glare and beam, and dress
that love is the answer, your whole life
love, tenderness and tears.

Mother of mercy is your Pastor,
mercy and peace for the flock,
O Mother of sweetness, good Mother, that sinners
open your lap!

Glory to You, living Trinidad,
love, forgiveness, and heaven given,
forever worship and gratitude, O God
quench feast of the saints! Amen.


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