Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Acid Reflux Stomach Flu

, 1950 In this photo we see a beautiful profile of the Divina Pastora in his dressing room that was paid as indicated at the expense of the guild to exalt the cult since the eighteenth century will be taxed in Cantillana Our Lady under this title. We can see the murals after the intervention of José María Labrador in 1937, once the civil war that affected the original Cabrera López.
not know the time that the photograph was made, but we see it Shepherdess with eighteenth-century jewelry store for the big days and the staff also silver-gilt eighteenth century was added the finishing curved in the early twentieth century and that by that time half of this century was just that used for his exit processions and ninth. Interestingly be seen as among the stars of the crown is placed small bulbs which, as usual, lit up the Virgin to the 1970's.
In 1950, the Brotherhood began to live a period of great splendor embodied in implementing the silver front, the founding of the popular pilgrimage, and placement of purchase from the current tableau Convent of San Francisco late, the construction of the sacristy of the chapel of the Virgin or the construction of the shrine in the village of Pajares. Just this year 1950, the Brotherhood of the Divine Shepherdess with other guilds sevillanas oath expresses the hope of universal Kingship of Our Lady in the Church of San Martin de Sevilla. That vow was renewed annually all brothers in the main function of the Institute, every September 8.


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